Excessive Fat
Mesotherapy is a procedure used for weight loss and body sculpting to reduce, eliminate, and contour undesired fat pockets. The customized formula prevents cells from storing fat and helps break down existing fat cells. The number of treatments required varies from person to person.

This safe, noninvasive treatment is used to get rid of fat in the following areas:
  • Under the chin
  • In the abdomen
  • Back and buttocks
  • Thighs, knees, and ankles
  • Love handles and bra bulge
  • Bags under the eyes
  • Around the mouth and jowls
Fat deposits are flushed from the body and do not reappear in other areas, which often occurs after liposuction. To maintain and prolong your mesotherapy results, it is essential that you exercise regularly, drink lots of fluids, and eat a healthy diet to help you lose weight or maintain a constant weight, preventing the reappearance of fat in the treated areas.

Before and After Gallery
Before Mesotherapy treatment on the back After Mesotherapy treatment on the back

Before Mesotherapy treatment on the chin After Mesotherapy treatment on the chin