Cellulite formation
Cellulite is a skin condition affecting over 90% of post-pubescent women. Even thin women sometimes battle the "lumpy, dimpled" appearance on the hips, buttocks, and legs. In subcutaneous (just beneath the surface) level of skin tissue, cellulite forms when fat cells arranged in chambers expand and stretch the bands of connective tissue (septae) surrounding them, as water is retained in these areas.

After stretching and expanding, these tissues contract and harden (a condition called sclerosis) and hold the skin at a non-flexible length. Meanwhile, the surrounding tissue continues to expand with weight and water gain. This results in some areas of the skin being held down while other areas bulge outward, giving that "cottage cheese" appearance.

Unlike the massage machines and creams that merely attempt to treat the outward symptoms of cellulite, Mesotherapy gets results by targeting the underlying causes of cellulite formation. We create a specific formula to dissolve the excess fat deposit, improve impaired circulation, and break down damaged connective tissue. This process effectively smooths the skin's surface on any part of the body.

Mesotherapy easily treats early stages of cellulite with a few sessions. Once cellulite progresses to more advanced stages, more sessions are usually needed. Unlike liposuction, Mesotherapy treats cellulite directly, promoting smoother skin and reducing fat in selected areas.

Before and After Gallery
Before Mesotherapy treatment for cellulite on the thighs After Mesotherapy treatment for cellulite on the thighs

Before Mesotherapy treatment for cellulite on the buttocks After Mesotherapy treatment for cellulite on the buttocks